Work with Me

Welcome! I am a firm believer that the way you arrange your environment is a key piece in manifesting your dreams. Another key piece is the thoughts and beliefs that you support through your environment. Each plays off of the other.

While working with me, we can tailor where to start based on your starting and ending points (and even if you don’t exactly know your goals, we can work on that too).

By making changes in your mindset and environment,

  • You will attract more abundance into your life.
  • Things that you desire will come to you more easily.
  • You will feel more balanced and organized.
  • You will gain more clarity.
  • You will receive one-on-one individualized coaching.
  • You will have support as you take action to make changes in your space and life.
  • You will shed the chains that hold you back from making lasting changes in your life.

I would be honored to serve as your coach and teacher as we dissolve the blockages that are holding you back from living an abundant, joy-filled life!

Get Clear on Your Space Coaching

For individuals ready to take control and bring abundance to all aspects of your life

Clearing clutter from your physical space is just the first step. So, why stop there? Clear the clutter from your whole life. Most of us have junk in the closets of our mental, emotional and spiritual selves too.

With the skills and strategies you learn in the 3-month Get Clear on Your Space Coaching Program, let go of the garbage in all areas of your life. Open up your life to abundance and achieve remarkable results.

Participate in weekly 45-minute coaching sessions that draw upon tools from Soul Coaching®, Gateway Dreaming™ Coaching, Space Clearing, Reiki and more to build your individualized Get Clear on Your Space Coaching program.

Assess your life and home. Learn strategies and tips to take small, manageable steps to make lasting changes. Remove the clutter. Make room for more abundance, peace and joy in your life so that you can live the life of your dreams.

Click here to contact Felicia for more information.