Your Home as a Metaphor for Your Life

Your Home as a Metaphor for Your Life

Did you know that your Home is a Metaphor for your Life? The homes we choose as well as the way in which we arrange them tell stories about our thinking and the way we currently live our lives. Imagine you are a stranger entering your home for the first time, what stories do you think your home will tell about you? What secrets of your subconscious are screaming out for attention?

Everything has a vibration and energy.When we choose things (such as colors, art work furniture, and even our home), there is something about their vibration that matches our own vibration and attracts us to that thing. If you are feeling stuck or just want to change an aspect of your life, one way to do that is to change the environment that surrounds you.

For example, if you feel like you can never save any money, or you are constantly being drained of money, take a look at the pipes and all water in your home. Do you have leaky pipes, or a leaky shower or toilet in your home?

So, what do you notice when you take a fresh look at your home? Are there patterns or symbols throughout your home that you’ve never noticed before?

How you feel about your job? Do you feel like you are always being passed over for a promotion, or are hitting brick walls? Take a look at the passageways in your home. Do the doors, especially your front door, open fully? Are the doors or doorways blocked or difficult to negotiate? How does the layout and flow in your home relate to your life?

Every part of our home has a meaning. When we are immersed in our lives and in our environment, these patterns and meanings may be difficult to see. Take some time to step back and become the observer of your sacred space. What do you see? How would you like it to change? Changing the story that your home speaks about your life can change the energy and circumstances of your life!

I’d love to hear from you about the story your home tells about you and at least one thing you’d like to change! Leave me a comment below.

10 thoughts on “Your Home as a Metaphor for Your Life”

    1. Linda, I believe that there is a reason why you are living in your current home – even if you didn’t decorate it. Either you chose it or it chose you through energy, circumstances, etc. There are still messages there for you!

  1. What about love? As a dating coach I work with lots of single women that are ready to attract a loving and supportive partner. Do you have any recommendations to raise their vibration for their home. Thank you for this article. The water filter in my fridge has been obstructed for a while, after reading this I am not waiting any longer to fix it! xoxoxo
    Jennifer Castaneda recently posted…#1 Reason To Not Give Up On Love YetMy Profile

    1. Hi Jennifer – there are definitely patterns related to love, especially in the bedroom. One simple question to ask is: Do the items in your home reflect single objects or pairs? Do you have a nightstand, closet space, etc. for another person? Are the images in your home reflective of pairs, couples, sets or solitary figures? There may be many messages there when you look closely.

  2. Excellent feng shui advice. Putting these skills to use with children is so much harder! They can lock up the energy of a space in minutes, where it might take hours to clear. I love your tips! Right now, my home, which is beautiful, has many areas that need to be cleared and cleaned both inside and out. I probably need a mini-vacation to do just that.

    1. Thanks Kristi! It may take some training/teaching but you can employ your children in helping keep your spaces relatively clear. I do know what you mean about children and spaces. Sometimes I would spend hours cleaning/straightening and within a matter of minutes (or sometimes seconds) all of my work would be demolished. It still happens but not as much AND they’ll clean it up after 🙂 Try scheduling a few minutes per day to get sections of spaces done…every little bit helps.

  3. Aha!!! My tub faucet has been leaking / dripping for a couple of weeks and I’ve been wondering why, what was the message behind it. Now it all makes sense, because I’ve definitely been feeling that about money too – like it’s leaking out and I just can’t save it! Guess I better get the plumber in to fix that faucet… 😉 Thank you, Felicia!
    Jesse Webb recently posted…How to Create an Irresistible Tagline that Magnetizes Your Ideal ClientMy Profile

  4. Felicia – you are such a little whisperer into my head!! 😉 Hmm…where do I start? I think the first thing is dusting. I get so behind on that and it drives me nuts. Also, keeping the bathrooms spotless is tricky. Keeping anything spotless is tricky! I get (and love) that your message is all about letting go of fear and perfectionism, yet I find when I read your freakin’ fab articles I start to have a little anxiety inside about all the things I’m *not* doing in my home. What advice do you have, for a spaz like me, Ms. Brilliant One? 🙂
    Marcie recently posted…Following intuition = no fear? False.My Profile

  5. Marcie – I see a clear connection between your beliefs about it being “tricky” to keep parts of your home dusted & clean with ideas around perfectionism. Do you feel like it’s impossible for things (anything) to be completely the way you want it to be? Or, do you beat yourself up about not getting everything done (not just around the house)? I have a couple of suggestions: First, feel into the feelings you want in your home. Do you want it to feel lived in? loved? like a sanctuary? Everything begins with Intention! Then, why not hire an expert to clean your home? You could let go of you needing to do it and perhaps feeling like it’s not so easy to keep it that way, and it would save you LOTS of time. Trust me, with four children, I know things in my home will never stay absolutely neat and clean; but I focus on my home being loved and have let go of some of the things I used to stress about and find that the energy here is welcoming and loving. I hope this helps. Let me know.

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